EYE CREAM with coffee extract reducing wrinkles and puffiness 15g
This eye cream with coffee extract enriched by retinol hydrates the eye area and reduces puffiness. Helps reduce dark undereye circles and erases soft lines. The cell structure of eye-area is restored by regular use and it also increases the blood circulation. Leaves the skin hydrated and moist.
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PARAFFINUM LIQUIDUM Vaseline oil, a liquid paraffin, also called as mineral or paraffin oil is clear liquid and mixture of chained carbons. Paraffinic carbons of high purity without the addition of polycyclic aromatized carbons are being used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical procedures. Vaseline oil improves the lubricity of product. Makes applying the product easy and isn’t irritating. Has amazing oxidant stability, will never go bad, doesn’t turn yellow. Softens skin and is an emollient. PARAFFINUM DURUM Hard paraffin is mixture of carbons. Is emollient and has occlusive effect. Creates lipophile base for the production of ointments, lotions and pastes. Is being used as internal hydrophobic substance improving viscosity. Also is being used in wraps for extremely dry skin or in treating burns. Provides waterproof coating for skin and hair that is used in protective cosmetic products. CETEARYL ALCOHOL Cetearyl alcohol is a combination of fatty alcohols with the number of sixteen carbons, Cetyl Alcohol- C16 and eighteen, Stearyl Alcohol- C18. Cetyl Alcohol is obtained from the coconut and is natural component of fats inside the skin which makes it natural for human skin. Both of the fatty alcohols improve the consistency of products. Thanks for the hydroxylic group and long lipophilic carbon oxygen chain has Cetyl Alcohol the effects of surface-active substance. These substances are being grouped at the edges of phases and even in low concentrations lower the tension between them. Tenzids that provide tension between the surface and on the edges of two not mixable liquids, fats and water phase we call emulgents. Those emulgents can connect not mixable phases into physical form of emulsion, in our case cream. Cetyl Alcohol is emulgent of fatty phase. Is hypoallergenic, does not irritate and is great for sensitive skin. Helps with easier absorption into the deeper layers of skin. Is often paired with Vaseline oil which improves the water connections. SREARIC ACID Srearic acid C18:0is unsaturated fatty acid that is being extracted from fat. Is emulgent and provides solubility and mixing water ad fat phase together. Has decent thickening effects and in product can play the role of conservator. LAURETH Surface active substance that forms on the edges of phases ad even in small amount of concentration lowers tension between them. Thanks to lowering inner surface tension between two no mixable liquids of water and fat phase. GLYCERYL MONOSTREARATE Glyceryl stearate is glycerol ester stearate acid. Is naturally found in our body as side product of braking fats and can also be found in various fatty groceries. Glyceryl stearate is most common emulgent for oils, waxes and solvents. Helps to disperse two no mixable phases and lowers tension between them. By its composition we identify it as non-ionic surfactant, that are not irritating and are being tolerated even by sensitive skin. It modifies viscosity and stabilizes emulsions. Is well tolerated by other components of products and can be combined with every type of surfactant. MATHYLPARABEN, PROPYLPARABEN Are conservators, esters of 4-hydroxybenzic acid. Are added to products to stabilize it and prevent creating and growth of microorganisms. Are used in cosmetics and pharmacy. Show range of antimicrobial effects on yeasts, mould and bacteria in spectrum of pH (4-8). AQUA Water is the main dissolvent of hydrophilic cosmetic components. Has amazing cleaning effects which are improved by alcohol and cleaning surfactants. Water is the carrier of active components in the cosmetic product. Considering that regular drinking water contains significant number of salts, mostly calcic and in ferric isn’t it’s use in cosmetic products suitable. Water used for production of cosmetic products is specially modified and sanitary safe. Water used it mostly distilled or purified by reverse osmosis. OLEA EUROPEA OIL- OLIVE OIL Olive oil is the most commonly used natural oil. Is being used in cosmetics and pharmacy for over two hundred years. Its base is oily acid C18:1 (65-85%, oxygenic stable, nonessential monounsaturated ω-9 saturated acid, that is crucial for reoiling and protecting skin), linoleic acid C18:2 (4-15%; double unsaturated ω-6 saturated acid, that cannot be produced by human organism on its own but is needed for various substance exchanges), it also has a small amount of palmitic acid C16:1 (around 2%; rare fatty acid, that creates 22% of lipids in skins shield. Synthesis in organism weakens by aging and that is one of the reasons why our skin dries out and loses shield protection. Unprocessed oil is giant source of vitamin E, beta-carotene and chlorophyl. Also contains small amount of squalene, which is often being extracted form it as pure Phyto squalene used in cosmetics. CERA ALBA- BEESWAX Beeswax is ester of higher fatty acids C16.26 with higher monohydric alcohols C26-32. Is being used in cosmetics already for hundreds of years to reduce consistency of emulsions and decorative cosmetics. Is used as supportive emulgent (helps with solubility of no mixable water and fatty phases). CETYL PALMITATE Cetyl Palmitate is a synthetic wax. It is solid white substance without flavour and aroma. Gives a white appearance and desirable consistency to creams, lotions and other products. Is also a decent emulgent. THEOBROMA CACAO SEED BUTTER Theobroma cacao Seed Butter is bright yellow fat with pleasant aroma. Is significant by radical melting when faced body temperature. Is rich in its chemical composure. It consists of: 34,5% oily acid C18:1 (oxygenic stable, nonessential monounsaturated ω-9 saturated acid, that is crucial for reoiling and protecting skin), 3,2% linoleic acid C18:2 (double unsaturated ω -6 saturated acid, that cannot be produced by human organism on its own but is needed for various substance exchanges), 1% arachnid acid C20:4 (ω-9 saturated acid, has 4 unsaturated bonds. It is the most important acid for human body.) in its structure it contains palmitic acid C16:0 a stearate acid C18:0 that are used as source for creating emulgents and other cosmetic substances. Cacao butter has protective powers. Improves elasticity and prevents stretch marks. Is easily applied and keeps the skin moist and soft. RETINOL- VITAMIN A Vitamin A is a lipophile vitamin that is soluble in fats, which improves the absorption into the skin better opposite to vitamins that are soluble in water. Source of vitamin A are groceries of zoic nature. It cannot be found in plats. Vitamin A is crucial for growth and regeneration of cell membrane, it causes growth and improves skin. Protects mucosa and salivary glands against damages and helps to destroy toxic substances. Is considered a number one in cosmetics. Also, such as vitamin E they are being called “the beauty vitamins”. Fastens up creating of new skin and hair cells. Regenerates production of wax that prevents acne and reduces keratinization of skin. TOCOPHERYL ACETATE- VITAMIN E Vitamin E, like vitamin A, is a lipophile vitamin that is soluble in fats, which improves the absorption into the skin better opposite to vitamins that are soluble in water. Is one of the most efficient natural antioxidants and substance that’s important for process of creating protein. Protects cells and tissue against damages and slows down degeneration of organism. Boosts regeneration of cells. With the help of other antioxidants, it regulates oxidant stress of organism that causes creating free radicals. Its disadvantage is low tolerance of heat and oxygen. That’s why in the last years we have been using more stable forms of it in cosmetics such as Tocopheryl Acetate. Combined with vitamin A and C it slows down skins aging. CAFFEINE Caffeine is crystal-like alkaloid. Stimulates organism and also stimulates blood flow so the skin is fine and full. Easily enters skin. Reduces puffiness and dark undereye. Also plays the role of antioxidant in products. Stimulates the growth of new skin cells, increases creating collagen and overall improves skin. By regulating and improving blood flow it reduces cellulite. Doesn’t trigger allergic reactions.Typ pleti
Očné okolie s opuchmi, tmavými kruhmi a vráskami. Pre suchú, zrelú pleť.
Vera Ovádeková –
Potrebujem na svoje očné okolie mastnejší krém,ktorý aj po nanesení a pár hodinách nevsiakne do pokožky a nesposobí suché okolie očí,ktoré ma potom svrbí a nuti k “žmoleniu”očí.Prešla som dlhu cestu skušania roznych značiek,niektoré boli o ničom,iné ušli,ale stále to nebolo to “pravé orechové”…to som našla až u Dr.Sandry-tento krémik mi vyhovuje,upokojuje moje kukadlá,nevysušuje.Som rada,že som nan natrafila a už mám druhé balenie.Nejak výrazne nebadám zníženie opuchov alebo miznutie tmavých kruhov,ale toto ma vobec netrápi,mám svoj vek a zázraky nečakám.Hlavné pre mna je,že mám okolie očí v pohode,to som potrebovala.A ešte-veľmi ma baví konzistencia…dostanete malinký teglik,napadne Vám,že taký mrnus koľko vydrží(za cenu celkom vyššiu),ale ocenujem a chválim,že naozaj stačí drobunký kusok krému,lebo sa výborne rozotrie na celé očné okolie,čiže výdrž balenia je absolutne OK.Som maximálne spokojná,robíte skvelu prácu pre nás,dakujeme!
Ľuboslava (verified owner) –
Vynikajúci očný krém s príjemnou konzistenciou, nedráždi okolie očí, dobre sa roztiera a
hydratuje očné okolie. Používam ho len od Vianoc, ale už vidím pozitívne výsledky. Rozhodne najlepší očný krém, aký som doteraz mala. Určite si objednám aj ďalší. Som veľmi spokojná.
1efka1 (verified owner) –
Tento očný krém mám vždy v zásobe. Vyživuje, nedráždi a rozmaznáva moje očné okolie.
m.blunarova (verified owner) –
Výborný očný krém vyživuje okolie očí a pôsobí proti opuchom. Redukuje jemné linky a tmavé kruhy pod očami. Odporúčam. Ďakujem.
petra.imrichova (verified owner) –
Pod stromček som dostala od manžela očný krém od dr. Sandry, ale aj šampón a telové mlieko a takisto aj vzorky. Očný krém som už mala odskúšaný, takže som sa na neho veľmi tešila, má super konzistenciu, ja ho držím v chladničke, vtedy má ešte lepšie účinky 😉 Rýchlo sa vstrebáva, nie je parfumovaný, nepáli ma od neho pokožka, ani nezačervenie. Stačí natrieť malé množstvo, ale účinky sú viditeľné, zmierňuje ak tmavé kruhy pod očami, takže tento skvelý očný krémik môžem len odporučiť, určite s ním budete spokojné 🙂
Danilela (verified owner) –
Vyborny ocny kremik ?
p.srnankova (verified owner) –
Ocne kremy som nikdy velmi nepouzivala a tento som vyskusala nahodne, ked som ho dostala ako darcek k nakupu a velmi som si ho oblubila 🙂 Ma jemnu, naslahanu konzistenciu, nedrazdi moje citlive oci, zmiernuje opuchy. Keby ste mali v ponuke aj pletovy krem s takoto lahuckou konzistenciou, nevahala by som 🙂
Julia –
Jednoducho super som veĺmi spokojná
paulenkalucia (verified owner) –
Skutočne perfektný očný krém, krásne hydratuje.
Reny Vargova (verified owner) –
Očný krém s kofeínom používam už vyše roka ráno/večer a nič lepšie si pre moje citlivé a ráno vždy opuchnuté oči neviem predstaviť.
eshop-manager (verified owner) –
Teší ma, že Vám očný krém sedí 🙂
valuchova.monika (verified owner) –
Veľmi dobrý očný krém. Okolie očí mám vypnutejšie. Objednávam ďalší.
Anna Kováčová (verified owner) –
Najlepší očný krém na moju citlivú pokožku okolo očí, ktorému som “verná” už cca 2 roky a verná aj zostanem. Výborne hydratuje pokožku a výrazne zmierňuje aj opuch očí.
eshop-manager (verified owner) –
Teší ma, že ste s očným krémom spokojná 🙂
Ivana (verified owner) –
Krém je jemný, vláčny a krásne hydratuje pokožku okolo očí.
Petra (verified owner) –
Krémik je veľmi ľahký, nedráždi oči, je neparfumovaný, ale zároveň príjemne vonia. Držím ho v chladničke, vtedy má ešte lepší účinok, keď ho miniem, určite si tento očný krém zase kúpim.
eshop-manager (verified owner) –
Ďakujem za peknú recenziu 🙂
Miriam (verified owner) –
Vinikajúci očný krém, pohladenie pre moje okolie očí.
Mária –
Po dlhom čase krém ktorý nieje iba reklama a som s ním nadmieru spokojná .Konečne už nemusím zháňať iný krém .
Aneta (verified owner) –
Lahký jemny kremik 😉
Martina –
Perfektný očný krém, za mňa ?
Janka (verified owner) –
Očný krém je jemný, rýchlo sa vstrebe. Je veľmi príjemný na očné okolie. Spokojnosť nadovšetko.
Jana K. –
Tento krem je ako ladova kava- ochladi/osviezi a kofein povzbudi. Ranajsi ritual, ktory je silno navykovy.
Jana (verified owner) –
Výborný očný krém, môžem odporučiť.Urcite si ho zasa objednám.
Valéria (verified owner) –
Očný krém s obsahom kofeínu je skutočne vynikajúci, výborne hydratuje, pekne sa vstrebe, viditeľne zmierni opuchy a tmavé kruhy pod očami, uskladňujem ho vždy v chladničke, príjemne osvieži očné okolie. Už ho používa aj moja dcéra a je tiež veľmi spokojná. Ďakujeme
Andrea (verified owner) –
Konečne som našla očný krém, ktorý mi krásne hydratuje očné okolie a je vhodný pre moje citlivé oči. Najlepší očný krém, aký som doteraz mala. Maximálna spokojnosť. Ďakujem.
Tatiana (verified owner) –
Očný krém s kofeínom som dala do chladničky, ráno, kým som pila moju kávičku, krémik pôsobil. Očné okolie je jemnejšie, kruhy pod očami miernejšie. Už sa teším na večernú aplikáciu. Ďakujem.
Viera –
dostala som vzorku tohto kremiku k mojej objednavke a musim povedat ze uz dalsia objednavka ho bude obsahovat, ma vybornu konzistenciu, je malo kremov po ktorych ma nestipu oci a tento patri medzi nich
Petra (verified owner) –
Výborný očný krém,používam pravidelne,odporúčam.
Beáta (verified owner) –
Vynikajúci očný krém, odkedy som ho vyskúšala, používam už pravidelne. Po príspevku od pani Dr. Sandry, že najmä v lete ho je lepšie držať v chlade, zistila som, že takto má ešte lepší účinok a odvtedy má stále miesto v chladničke :).
Mária –
Ideálny očný krém, zmierni tmavé kruhy pod očami, dá sa ním pekne masírovať očné okolie, konzistencia veľmi príjemná a rýchlo sa vstrebe, bez parfumacie, čiže žiadne začervenanie u mňa nehrozilo. Vydrží veľmi dlho, keďže ho stačí nanášať v malom množstve. Jediné na čo si treba dať pozor je skladovatelnosť v letných horúčavách. Veľká spokojnosť.