BODY MILK WITH LUBRICATING EFFECT With vitamin A, E, panthenol, does not contain stabilizers and parabens
Body milk lubricates, nurtures and regenerates body skin. Due to its composition consisting of vitamin A and vitamin E is suitable for extremely dry skin. Regular use can recuse pigment stains. Panthenol calms down irritated skin or can be used after tanning to keep a healthy-looking skin. Does not contain perfumes.
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Apply after each time you shower/ take a bath. After opening store in temperature between 15 and 25 degrees. Keep away from direct sunlight, radiant heat and temperature fluctuation. Keep away from children.
Water is the main dissolvent of hydrophilic cosmetic components. Has amazing cleaning effects which are improved by alcohol and cleaning surfactants. Water is the carrier of active components in the cosmetic product. Considering that regular drinking water contains significant number of salts, mostly calcic and in ferric isn’t it’s use in cosmetic products suitable. Water used for production of cosmetic products is specially modified and sanitary safe. Water used it mostly distilled or purified by reverse osmosis.
Vaseline oil, a liquid paraffin, also called as mineral or paraffin oil is clear liquid and mixture of chained carbons. Paraffinic carbons of high purity without the addition of polycyclic aromatized carbons are being used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical procedures. Vaseline oil improves the lubricity of product. Makes applying the product easy and isn’t irritating. Has amazing oxidant stability, will never go bad, doesn’t turn yellow. Softens skin and is an emollient.
Glycerin is hydrophile alcohol, that has tribasic alcohol (1,2,3-prophantriol) as base. Has three hydroxyl groups in its structure, thanks to them it can attach water pretty easily. Has moisturizing effects and improves solubility of many cosmetic substances and that helps with absorption into skin. Softens skin, moisturizes and in low concentration it helps to keeps skins hydration.
Cetearyl alcohol is a combination of fatty alcohols with the number of sixteen carbons, Cetyl Alcohol- C16 and eighteen, Stearyl Alcohol- C18. Cetyl Alcohol is obtained from the coconut and is natural component of fats inside the skin which makes it natural for human skin. Both of the fatty alcohols improve the consistency of products. Thanks for the hydroxylic group and long lipophilic carbon oxygen chain has Cetyl Alcohol the effects of surface-active substance. These substances are being grouped at the edges of phases and even in low concentrations lower the tension between them. Tenzids that provide tension between the surface and on the edges of two not mixable liquids, fats and water phase we call emulgents. Those emulgents can connect not mixable phases into physical form of emulsion, in our case cream. Cetyl Alcohol is emulgent of fatty phase. Is hypoallergenic, does not irritate and is great for sensitive skin. Helps with easier absorption into the deeper layers of skin. Is often paired with Vaseline oil which improves the water connections.
Lanolin is a wax ester of essentially fatty acids, mostly palmitic acid C16:0 and higher alcohols, mostly cholesterol. Thanks to free cholesterol, that is a leading component, lanolin has effects as a supportive emulgent. Can be found in raw sheep coat and is obtained by rewashing it with water. Lanolin attaches three times more water weight than is his own. Is similar to skins lipids by composition and is a great carrier of active substances. Is being used to adjust the consistency in lip balms, decorative cosmetics and emulsions.
Sorbitan Oleate is surface substance, fatty acid ester of olive oil and sorbitol (sixbasic solid alcohol used in cosmetics. Slows down drying and is noncariogenic sweetener). It is natural substance in a form of wax. Is emulgent and like glyceryl stearate is non-ionic surfactant. Has great dermatological powers, isn’t comedogenic, has low irritation level and is tolerated even by sensitive skin. Leaves the skin hydrated, soft and tender.
Are surface activated substances that help to dissolve other substances is solvents in whom they would be able to dissolve on its own. They are also emulgents, meaning they help to create emulsions by lowering the surface tension of substances. Polysorbate 60 was created by the reaction of sorbitol with ethylene oxide and fatty acids that were extracted from vegetable fats and oils. Is not irritating and not comedogenic (does not clog pores). Polysorbate 80 is created from sorbitol and oleic acid. Has calming effects on human skin. Has slightly astringent abilities.
Vitamin A is a lipophile vitamin that is soluble in fats, which improves the absorption into the skin better opposite to vitamins that are soluble in water. Source of vitamin A are groceries of zoic nature. It cannot be found in plats. Vitamin A is crucial for growth and regeneration of cell membrane, it causes growth and improves skin. Protects mucosa and salivary glands against damages and helps to destroy toxic substances. Is considered a number one in cosmetics. Also, such as vitamin E they are being called “the beauty vitamins”. Fastens up creating of new skin and hair cells. Regenerates production of wax that prevents acne and reduces keratinization of skin.
Vitamin E, like vitamin A, is a lipophile vitamin that is soluble in fats, which improves the absorption into the skin better opposite to vitamins that are soluble in water. Is one of the most efficient natural antioxidants and substance that’s important for process of creating protein. Protects cells and tissue against damages and slows down degeneration of organism. Boosts regeneration of cells. With the help of other antioxidants, it regulates oxidant stress of organism that causes creating free radicals. Its disadvantage is low tolerance of heat and oxygen. That’s why in the last years we have been using more stable forms of it in cosmetics such as Tocopheryl Acetate. Combined with vitamin A and C it slows down skins aging.
Phenoxyetanol is a conservator. In cosmetic products it prevents the development of microorganisms.
Ethylhexylglyceril is derivate of glyceryl. Is mainly used as supporting conservator and it lowers the tension on the surface of the walls of microorganism cells and that causes them to disappear faster.
Panthenol is provitamin of vitamin B5. Is more suitable for cosmetical purposes than B5 (pantothenic acid). Skin absorbs it better the pantothenic acid that is later on created in skin with the help of oxidase. Only one isomer is effective and that is D-form (D-panthenol). Cosmetic products containing D-panthenol can ease many problems that are caused due to lack of pantothenic acid in skin. Fasten up the regeneration of skin layer, creating epithelium when the tissue has been damaged. Has nourishing effect on skin. Is even great for dry and damaged hair.
Beeswax is ester of higher fatty acids C16.26 with higher monohydric alcohols C26-32. Is being used in cosmetics already for hundreds of years to reduce consistency of emulsions and decorative cosmetics. Is used as supportive emulgent (helps with solubility of no mixable water and fatty phases).
Skin type
Suits dry extremely strained skin eager to creating pigment stains. Also suits skin strained by sunlight.
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